Schlosser, Peter
Vice President and Vice Provost, Arizona State University’s Julie Ann Wrigley Global Futures laboratory; Acting Dean, College of Global Futures, ASU
Schopper, Herwig
Swiss Confederation
Schwartz, Lillian
Visiting Scholar, School of Visual Arts,NYC, NY., NYU Film Archives
United States of America
Seeliger, Heinz
Federal Republic of Germany
Sefic, Mustafa
Professor of Ophthalmology, Head of the Sarajevo Eye Clinic, Dean of Universitiy Medical School in Banjaluka, Optical Studio "Dr.Sefi?", University Medical School of Sarajevo, University Dental School of Sarajevo
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Segerstrale, Ullica
Professor of Sociology and Director, Camras Scholars program, Illinois Institute of Technology (IIT)
United States of America
Sekeris, Constantine
Research Director em., National Hellenic Research Foundation,Institute of Biological Research and Biotechnology
Hellenic Republic (Greece)
Serafimovski, Tome
North Macedonia
Serageldin, Ismail
Arab Republic of Egypt
Serra, Jordi
Kingdom of Spain
Sethi, Rajeev
Republic of India
Shen, Benjamin
Reese W. Flower Professor Emeritus, University of Pennsylvania
United States of America
Shimomitsu, Teruichi
Professor and Director, Department of Preventive Medicine and Public Health, Tokyo Medical University
Shubik, Martin
Seymour H. Knox Professor of Mathematical Institutional Economics(emeritus), Yale University
United States of America
Shvydchenko, Viktoriia
Member, US Embassy Youth Council; Ukrainian Youth Delegate to the 69th session of the UN General Assembly
Sicinski, Andrzej
Republic of Poland
Siddique, Julene
Music and Health Expert at RoundGlass LLC; Composer & CEO, Nada Brahma Ltd
United Kingdom
Šijački, Djordje